Simple and easy wooded walk in Acushnet MA

Hamlin Crossing, as described by the Buzzard’s Bay Coalition, is a former orchard and farm offering easy walking trails. Start to finish, it took my Dad and myself about 25 minutes to complete the short walk. Consider boots in the spring as some spots will be muddy. There is a small parking lot just across the street from the trail head.

I had some exposure issues with the first battery of shots, I am thinking the shutter speed was set too high. I made some adjustments and exposure quality increased.

Whites Factory – You will find Whites Factory just a stones throw from Hamlin Crossing. As the Buzzards Bay Coalition describes, this factory was once a cotton and saw mill. Check out the semicircular stone arch, that design principle goes way way back in time.

As always, get outside! and thank you for reading.

Andrew Perron

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